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beenysnake @ blogspot.com ♥
Monday, March 21, 2011

I said a silent goodbye last night. Finally free...
beany flexes her fingers @ 3:23 AM

Monday, March 14, 2011

I find myself struggling in between 2 factions for some time now. I feel exactly like Kira, who's stuck in between ZAFT and the Earth Forces so I can totally understand what he's going through and relate to him. One, whom you have stuck with for so long, while the other, a new invasive force slowly inches to you, gaining your trust and winning you over, yet, how do you decide on whom to trust in the end? Especially when both of the factions are on the opposite side of each other. How do you know who is telling the truth, and who isn't?

I tried thinking it through, but the more I think and brood over it, I become colder, harsher, and immune to the world outside me. Perhaps this is the process of growing up and experiencing the harsh realities in life. Still, I feel so tired dealing with all the hypocrisy around me that I just wish that everyone can be cleansed and be in a sense, pure again. But I guess this is impossible because we, as humans, have flaws. And sometimes these flaws, they are tough to erase, you know.

As I find myself sinking further from ZAFT and closer to the Earth Forces, I discovered that wow, why have I deprived myself of benefits that I had never realized that I should have had in the first place? Like they all say, "The grass is always greener on the other side". And thus the isolation from ZAFT. ZAFT, is not normal, but neither is it abnormal. It's just an individualistic concept which serves in its own interest. That's all. But my fate was to be with ZAFT at the beginning, so I resigned myself to such a fate until the intervention of the Earth Forces. But as I get closer to the Earth Forces, sometimes I find myself even hating on ZAFT for being what it is. This is akin to the fact that the Earth Forces refer to Kira as a traitor to his own kind - Coordinators - so does that make me similar to Kira?

Yet being closer to the Earth Forces has allowed me to discover new things which I never would have if I had remained with ZAFT, but I get scared of gaining such knowledge - because knowing makes me realize that there is hypocrisy out there, and I hate hate hate having to be alert at all times - even in my own home, the place where I seek solace in. And then I will think back, to all the times, even cheery ones, I had with ZAFT and that will make me feel so sick so disgusted about how I was contented with such treatment in the first place.

So right now, I'm like Kira - I just want to get further away from both ZAFT and the Earth Forces, because having such existences nearby can cause one to shift away from the right path.
beany flexes her fingers @ 4:01 PM

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am somehow quite elated right now. A burden has been freed! Yipeeee :)
beany flexes her fingers @ 1:04 AM

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just so you know, I'm not dead. Still alive and kicking. I'm making use of my precious time to learn more about myself and my surroundings while learning how to juggle my time properly.

Managed to survive Investments as some of you all know, with its terrible class participation component of 40%. I really hate talking in class, I really do. But I guess after 2 years in Berkeley, I'm definitely much more of a talker than when I first came here. The Professor was really nice though, and I enjoyed talking to him lots during his office hours. I'm so glad I took Investments before Corporate Financial Statement Analysis because I would be lost if I didn't take it. Can't wait to start investing myself :)

Did I mention how much I love hot Korean spicy ramen with a slab of cheese on the top? Mmmm so so so good. Speaking of Korean stuff, I had lunch with this exchange student from South Korea a few days ago and it was interesting to learn about Korean culture! Most of the time though, I was blasting to him about Korean drama and how I just love Jang Geun Seok!

Going along with the Korean trend, after chasing UPS vans around Berkeley, I managed to snag my package that contained my haul from Missha. In case you do not know, Missha is a Korean brand that basically sells makeup and skin products. Yes, I do use makeup now, although I tend to go to school in the morning all drowsy and unkempt.

Because I'm just so satisfied with my Missha haul, I'm thinking of trying out Etude House in Singapore this December!! I wanna get their brushes!!! Their brushes are supposedly great in comparison with Bobbi Brown's brushes and cheap as well. Wah, good buy good buy. Can't wait to get back to Singapore and shop Korean brand makeup :D
beany flexes her fingers @ 12:41 AM

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The world is an evil place filled with evil people who have evil thoughts. Even if you don't want to be evil, you don't have a choice. I don't care if there are gazillions of evil people out there, as long as there is one pure person existing there for you, you will survive. By pure, I don't mean someone who only has pure thoughts because such a someone does not exist in this world. By pure, I refer to someone who will never have evil thoughts directed at you. You don't need many friends, you just need one. One that will stay with you despite the numerous flaws in you.

My point is, I don't care anymore. I'm done with friends!
beany flexes her fingers @ 9:41 PM

Friday, April 16, 2010

I think my ear drums are going to die. Every momentary jolt to them makes me want to just storm out and scream. But I won't, just because I must compromise and live with it. This is one lesson I must take away from college life - that it isn't the same here and I can't simply not lift a finger and get my own way. But seriously, I think with each bang, the house is rattling and sooner or later the force is gonna make the whole house collapse. Of which I definitely hope will not happen during my stay.

One can only pray hard and hope.
beany flexes her fingers @ 4:37 PM

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It hurts. Especially when all of a sudden someone calls you a bloody liar. Well dammit, it wasn't my fault to begin with. I certainly did not lie, it was just a miscommunication. But it still hurts for some reason.

I just want to curl up in my bed and cry :( Am I PMSing?
beany flexes her fingers @ 9:39 PM

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ahhhh I feel uber sleepy! And to think that I have already spent 11 hours sleeping... what's wrong with me :( I even skipped my lectures today which is terrible because attendance for Econ C175 and UGBA 102B are necessary. Just... blah.

Last week was Spring break and it was fun fun fun :) The weekend was spent with PBL in Pasadena, LA and gosh, I really loved it there! Shopping was awesome and presentations were... not as great. Hah. I have to admit that my business presentation was a flop and it was a miracle that we even placed in the end -.- Gah, to think that after rehearsing sooooo many times without sleeping a wink the night before could not even be compared to my ultra crapped out Q&A session is just... blah. But I was super happy about getting the medal for CSR report. Gosh, Michell and I really put all our blood and sweat into creating this report. I like the fact that this report reflects the happy time I had with the CS committee in Fall 2009 though, it brings back lots of memories :) Happy, happy ones ^^

beany flexes her fingers @ 4:41 PM

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It is today, March 13 2010, that I finally realize that food brings me greatest joy. Ever.

So... hungry...
beany flexes her fingers @ 11:59 AM

Monday, March 08, 2010

Screw this crap. Why am I even taking this class?! People used to ask me why I chose this class since freshman year, but I kept forgetting the reason why. Now it finally hit me. I only took this because it fulfills International Studies breadth and not because it is an easy GPA booster. Gah. Oh yeh, the class I'm talking about is Econ C175 - Economic Demography -.-''' I used to think economics of marriage would be uber interesting. It IS interesting, but it's so boring to memorize all the facts. I have to admit economics of marriage is the most interesting topic so far, but economics of immigration and what not can just go away. Did you know that the life expectancy of U.S. people today is 78 years old? Yipee. That means I have already lived 1/3 of my life. Woo. The reason why I'm lamenting about Econ C175 is because tomorrow I have its midterm, and studying for it is killing meeeeee :'( It's so boring that I've resorted to posting on my blog... which I haven't done - for months -.-

This morning after I chionged to Haas to sign in for my accounting class, I met Chen-feng across the street! It was fate I tell you lol. She looked as dead as me. All Econ C175's fault! So she accompanied me to get Jamba Juice (MATCHA GREEN TEA BLAST OM NOM NOM) and then we went to Subway to get this awesome and quite cheap foot long meatballs sandwich (OM NOM NOM x2) and later Sam's Market to get Chen-feng her awakening potion aka Rockstar. Oh, and brewed Orange & Cream and Rootbeer. Both of us then parted our ways and went back home for... you got it, Econ C175.

Life's been pretty boring these days. All I do now is stare at my lecture notes or whack the Hydra in Castle Age. Thank goodness it's dead. And I won against Zhong!~ Mwuahaha! Now I can finally concentrate on whacking people and achieving my Champion rank -.-

Back to Econ C175 D:
beany flexes her fingers @ 3:37 PM

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

So bored in class :( Was looking through the makan directory in econ and succeeded in making me feel hungrier -.- CANT WAIT FOR CLASS TO END SO I CAN GO OM NOM NOM NOM soon. Too bad Fan Choy doesn't exist here, if not I would have bought like 5 bowls of it. Bleh.

I can't believe so few people know about the Shui Jing Bao. Omg, people, go pack your bags right now and set off to Alexandra Village! http://sparklette.net/food/tiong-bahru-lien-fa-shui-jing-bao/ this is the most awesome crystal dumpling everrrrrrr. If you ever eat there, please either 1) Bring me go, 2) DABAO FOR ME. I just can't describe how awesome the shui jing bao is (at least, the turnip version), you have to try it for yourself. And if you ever do buy, do order at least $30 worth of shui jing bao. A few pieces isn't enough. At least 60 pieces then will it be justified.

Class is ending soon. Finally I can satisfy my hunger. Ciao~

beany flexes her fingers @ 3:21 PM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If you haven't been talking to me lately, you must not know what I have been up to these past few months. For one, I have to mention my current obsession with a Korean drama called "You're Beautiful". Yes, the name might seem spastic or lame to you, but who cares! The plot is amazing, the actors & actresses are gorgeous (yes, even guys too! especially the one known as Jang Geun Suk), the lines are just so amusing... I can re-watch YAB a gazillion times and still wouldn't tire of it.

I am so crazy about YAB that I spent 38 SGD on this cute plushie as seen below:

This was (in the drama) initially made by Tae Kyung (Jang Geun Suk) as he saw Min Nyu as a pig-rabbit. For those who don't understand what the heck I'm talking about now, GO WATCH YAB AT VIIKII.NET RIGHT NOW :O

I have decided to get this pair of cuuute shoes as well :D AHAHAHAHAH totally not regretting my decision at all >=)

Other than YAB, I'm currently having lots of fun with PBL! PBL rocks my college life :D
beany flexes her fingers @ 3:33 AM

Monday, November 16, 2009

Have you ever felt as if you're free to go anywhere without your past dragging you down? That's how I feel right now. It feels like I'm simply charging forward while heck caring about anything else. This reminds of Psych 2 - I distinctly remember there was a term to describe this form of thought, but I can't remember the name lol.

Today, I had this thought of hurling curses at the person I used to like most. Gawd, I dunno. I was just so freaking pissed off and was simply wth-ing away -.-''' I have never been so pissed off with that person before and that's why it's so shocking to me that we'd ever have this day. Oh well. To hell with you. GND. :O
beany flexes her fingers @ 1:00 AM

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today was epic. The day of walkout @ UC Berkeley on Sept 24, 2009. I didn't join it, I merely self-declared a school holiday considering that most of my professors have cancelled their classes today. Judging from all the facebook statuses and event, there seemed to be like 5000 people protesting! I can just imagine how squashed up everyone was in Sproul plaza O_O


Haha I just realized that I can microwave hashbrown patties! Zomgz definitely gonna get more of those patties when I go ranch again ;p It makes cooking soooooo much easier!

beany flexes her fingers @ 10:56 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bad news. I can't fit into one of my jeans. This situation is getting out of hand. I'm going to become a bloated pig any moment and yet I can't seem to avoid succumbing to the temptation of GOOD FOOD. I can't bear to eat salads and fruits and boiled stuff everyday. I can't bear to look away from Ben n Jerry's & my beloved Pistachio Gelato and that soothing ice-cold honey tea with mini pearls! Roar. Like I said, the situation is getting reeeeally out of hand. But I shall persevere and correct my disgusting habits! Starting from tomorrow, I shall return back to RSF & run and run and run like crazy till I see no more flabs of fat.


beany flexes her fingers @ 8:57 PM

Friday, September 04, 2009

2nd week of Fall 09 Sem is over and I am already swamped with tons of readings plus homework. This morning was the first time I have a class dominated by ang mohs through and through. There were only 3 asians (one is my friend while the other guy was just nodding his head off in class -.-) and I felt overwhelmed by the ang mohs especially when I witnessed stereotypical ang moh behavior which you only see in like high school movies -.- and I was like, lol, so such ang mohs do exist after all!

For the whole two hours, my fear of speaking out loud in class acted up again -.- The only thing I could do was space out and stare at the people sitting across from me. Our table was rather elongated (I had the class in Barrows) and Jennifer and I made a mistake by sitting the farthest away from the GSI -.- Instead, we were treated to scenes (across from us) like this girl smiling coyly at the guy beside her with her tube dress UNBUTTONED right down to the middle of her chest (Jennifer got me ROFLing.. she said what's there to see? Which is kind of true.. given how um.. nvm). Geez, it's already a tube (Bao(4) Lu(4) to the max)! The guy, being a typical male, was staring down at her unbuttoned tube dress. Right. So both of them were smiling at each other. Right. There was other stuff going on too, but I don't feel like describing everything here so I'd just say that in a nutshell, my History discussion is like a high school drama compressed into 2 hours.

Speaking of History 4A, I'm in a dilemma. I can't decide whether I should switch to History 14, which covers the history of Japan. The content of History 14 interests me greatly, since it's about Japan. History 4A is interesting too, given that it's about Egypt, Rome & Greece and I'm a sucker for Greek history (and its myths especially! I'm SO gonna take Classic 28 - Greek mythology next Spring!). But here comes the twist. History 14 has a history of around 70% of As whereas History 4A only has 5 - 10% of As (I highly doubt that A+ exists either)... But I'm taking History 4A because of the positive reviews of how the Professor for this class is one of the best History professors in Berkeley and also because of the fact that it is one of the prerequisites for my Legal Studies Major. How how how?

Econs 101B has been going at a pace akin to that of a snail's, which is kind of fortunate yet boring in a way. We are still learning about demand and supply and as compared to last semester's Econ 101A (which totally killed me and my confidence in math), the two classes A & B are extremely different in nature. But I'm reserving my opinions on this class because you never know when the Professor will go crazy and start introducing crazy theorems and formulas which might kill my grade.

I'm also taking UGB 102A - Financial Accounting this semester. It's definitely going at a much refreshing pace than UGB 103 in summer. While we're still at components of a Balance Sheet in my 2nd week of classes, a 2nd week in summer would have meant that I'm at Chapter 5 of the Corporate Finance text (Crazy pace!). I don't know how I can withstand 2 hours of UGB 102A discussion followed by 2 hours of History 4A discussion every Friday morning for the next few months =\ But then I realize that with the neverending readings and homework and essays due each week, the 2 hour discussion for UGB 102A is a blessing in disguise since it will probably become my naptime on Friday :)

2 days ago our entire street had a blackout. It was a thrilling night. While stuffing my mouth with hor fun and tau pok and talking to my mum at the same time (I don't know how I accomplished that haha!), the lights suddenly flickered and poof! Everything went black. Even the street lights went off. The next minute, I heard Aster scrambling to my room. Thankfully, my laptop was operating on an almost fully-charged battery and the moon that night was surprisingly bright. With a torchlight in hand, we went outside to meet up with the rest of the residents in our building. Surprisingly, our building had an emergency light in the corridor, so we weren't scurrying about in the dark. Someone apparently went out and came back into the building, and we bombarded him with questions. We could clearly see that outside there were around 8 -10 police cars, with men clad in professional black suits standing guard outside (like WHOA) as well as policemen running about with their guns out. I heard rumors like a homeless person attacked someone, or that our electricity was shut down because someone fired at the electricity wire or something to that extent. I still haven't figured out what happened that night, but because of the blackout, my plan to do an all-nighter was clearly out. So I had no choice but to have a good sleep and pon the next day classes. Hah.

Ah, enough storytelling for the night. Ciao~

beany flexes her fingers @ 6:56 PM

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Haha gosh, I haven't been updating my blog for quite some time eh? Since next week is the last week of summer sch (FINALLY!), I can finally stop writing paper after paper. Frankly, summer school sucks bigtime. I hate that each class is 2.5 hours... it's like naptime for me? UGB 103 is even worse.. it's so boring that I feel uber grouchy after class each time. Ahhhh I want normal classes back! Fall sem fall sem fall sem!

Anyway I ren ming le. I think going to Taiwan this Dec is practically achieving the impossible -.- Firstly, as I only have a break from 19 Dec - 16 Jan (it's not even one month.. wth), and given that I already have plans to go Japan with my family, that leaves with me... around 2 weeks? And given that within that 2 weeks, I am definitely visiting the hospital sometime then, that would leave me with 1 week. 1 week... not much of a holiday.. >.<

I have already moved out of the dorms and am currently staying with Aster along Durant. Definitely glad to get a own room for myself of course and I'm learning lots! I can crack an egg and cook stuff now! Wahaha very happy :) Hopefully Aster and I won't ever get into a huge argument cause I'm feeling quite cozy in my new house at the moment ^^

Happy Birthday, Singapore!

beany flexes her fingers @ 5:48 PM

Friday, July 03, 2009

I'd be leaving for Berkeley in a few hours time... sigh, time passes by so quickly!!! It's back to school again. Oh well, I just have to study study study for a few years more and I'd be back in Singapore again! :):):) Go beany go!
beany flexes her fingers @ 11:12 AM

Monday, June 08, 2009

Gosh... I totally heart Atashinchi no Danshi!! Although I was rooting for Chisato+Sho pairing, I didn't know that they would introduce a kiss scene in this family dorama O_O So you can tell that episode 8 really surprised me... it's a great surprise though! I love how Sho (Osamu Mukai!!!) was so manly and SO DAMN CUTE in this episode! 

I started watching Mr. Brain a few days ago. It's a super cool jdrama starring Takuya Kimura and Hiro!! I tried to watch episode 2... but frankly, it freaked me out during the first quarter XD I think I need someone to watch and huddle with me during all the scary parts ~_~
beany flexes her fingers @ 10:10 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

In 3.5 hours time, I'm gonna have my Psych midterm. In 4.5 hours time, I'm gonna have my UGBA midterm. So what have I been doing? Nothing much except staring into space. ARGH. What can I say? Good luck to me and DAMMIT, I'M SCREWED.

But I have to admit that studying Psychology really lets me understand a lot of stuff regarding human nature. Like how you should not marry for Passionate Love, but rather for Companionate Love. How cool is that? According to my textbook, marrying impulsively for Passionate Love would most likely result in divorce. So everyone, think carefully before you marry!

Back to Dissociate Identity Disorder. Sigh.
beany flexes her fingers @ 4:30 AM

Thursday, May 07, 2009

It's the last week of school (or maybe second last, given that the last day of the semester is next Monday) and I've been attending the last few lectures, discussions... and feeling kinda yi(1) yi(1) bu(4) she(3). Sorry, I can't remember the english term for it, so I guess the chinese idiom is the best to describe my feelings right now. 

Econ 101A was my first lesson for today (cause I refuse to go for Math 53!) and it was byebye to Stefano Dellavigna. He's probably the shuaiest *cough* prof I've had so far, which isn't saying much because this is only my second semester at Cal. I enjoyed his lessons, but I think I'd miss Mariana (my GSI) more because her lessons were so darn good. During her discussions, I could really understand the material and thank goodness for that, if not I don't even know how I'd manage all of my problem sets. I took both Dan and Mariana sections, and Mariana is much much better and I specially took the 5-6pm class just because of her.

After that, I had Jap 7B lecture. It was the most awesome lecture (and the last too) of Jap 7B in the semester. I'm partly biased because we got back our midterm today, and frankly, I am SO DAMN RELIEVED. I flunked my Part A - the MCQ portion - though, Harharhar. But I aced my love essay! MY ESSAY ON TRUE LOVE!!!! Zomg. I read through it and still thought it was crap. But hey, if Wallace loves it, so do I. HAH. Guess all my romance novels paid off. SEE DAD, I SHOULD BE READING MORE STORYBOOKS! 

After going through the midterm (with me glaring at Part A), we had some time left! So we played this nomination game with lots of fun categories! Okay, it probably wasn't that fun, but hey, Chen feng wasn't there to keep my company today, and I haven't had much fun for quite some time, so this is FUN! We had categories such as Most Hot Topic Superstar...in which the majority of us voted for Seikichi in The Tattooer by Tanizaki (gape at this Feng feng!). Guess all of us girls... and guys as well go for this sort of hot, dark, sadistic type of guys. Hah.

I think one of the funnier titles was Most suited to be a Hooker, or stuff like, Most likely to Dream About. Oh for this? I voted for CLOUD from FF7 (yes we did Final Fantasy for our Jap class! This is hot damn cool!) while some voted for Tifa. FF7 rules over all the books! W00~

Speaking of Jap 7B, I had my last discussion on Tuesday. Despite not contributing a single point in class, I actually felt sad when I left the room that day. I actually made friends in that class... which is kinda cool given that I haven't really been mixing around outside my comfort zone. Gonna miss all my friends!

Just got back from my very last UGBA 10 discussion... this class really taught me alot and I'm feeling darn proud that I managed to say two words in class today. The two words were "Brand Name". HAHAHA. Pathetic much? But compared to how I behaved during the first few sessions... this is really a breakthrough for me. I dare to speak up now... even without quivering! Lol. But thank you UGBA 10, even though I dont think I'll be able to get into Haas (hence I'll do Econs/Pysch), I really learnt alot and even overcame this barrier that I never thought I would be able to. 

I'm starting to enjoy college now. I can even see myself growing and improving! Last semester I kept thinking of home, Singapore, and staying in my comfort zone. But this sem? Although it was tough, especially with the class participation barrier, and what's with all the quizzes and essays (WALLACE!!!!!), I learnt alot. I think I can even manage my time way better now. I can even crap out nonsense essays quickly! Lol. And from the elections, interviews... wow, I learnt about friendship, about staying calm and most importantly, don't ever go to an interview unprepared x_x Guess I learnt it the hard way.

I love college!

But then again... finals start next week. And I have 2 midterms on Monday! 

beany flexes her fingers @ 4:10 PM

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I feel like I got owned by today's Japanese 7B final. I'm now in Evans Lab, accompanied by Feng feng, and feeling crappy like hell. We had seating arrangements this time, and both of us had a different question. And the essay question was...

"Write about the male-female love relationships in Masks."

How suay can I get. I wished I had gotten the book on Lizard, but I just had to get Masks! Omg. Lizard's stories were all on love, the main basis was on love, but Masks wasn't. Masks is more on manipulation and revenge and jealousy and all that crap. Ahhhhhhhh! And what sort of question is this?! Anyway I crapped on how the "love" relationships weren't really love, but more based on sexual gratification. I noted that Ibuki did had an attraction and posessiveness over Yasuko, but he wasn't that "in love" with Yasuko as he had no ideas on divorcing his wife and marrying Yasuko instead. What a bastard.

I think my Jap Professor enjoys love stories, because we always seem to discuss about love and all that stuff. AHHHHHHH. BUT WHY MASKS?! WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!!!!
I don't think I gave my best shot in this essay. Major sigh. Didn't expected such a question to come out though. I'm sure we're supposed to write about love luuuuurve <3! Gah.

Done bitching. Feel better now. Ah.
beany flexes her fingers @ 2:13 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I finally shifted to blogger.com! Reason being that Yahoo is going to shut Geocities down after summer 2009, so I figured I should just shift now for convenience sake. Found this really cute blog layout on blogskin.com and decided to use it :) Please change the link accordingly if you did link me.


On a side note, I had lots of fun today with Feng feng after UGBA lecture today. Quite disappointed with the new module on Strategic Planning though. I was looking forward to class today because I thought it was an extremely interesting topic to study. However the new professor's lecture made it super boring... sigh. Now I'm missing Prof. Robinson. I wish we had more of Prof. Banks class though! However, the paper topic for this module seems fun to write. I think I'll enjoy brainstorming for the paper :)

After eating at Ann's kitchen (we initially wanted to try out Cafe Durant but were chased away by the crowd of flies at the bottom floor XD), we headed down to Shattuck to Long's Pharmacy. Surprisingly, there was no Queen Helene's Mint Julepe Masque! I bought this cute pink scrub which smells heavenly - gonna try it out later ;p (Bought it on impulse =X) Feng feng bought this luxurious eye mask and her medicine and finally got her Queen Helene Masque at Walgreen's down the street! 

Alright, gonna try out my new scrub. Ciao~

beany flexes her fingers @ 6:15 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It feels like I'm in the Sahara Desert. Today and now (which is midnight) has been so freaking hot. Even with my roomie's fan twirling in the distance, I'm perspiring like a dog. Before our midterm this morning (which was SO SO SO HOT), Prof. Robinson said that in Berkeley, there are 2 hot days in Spring and 1 hot day in October. But during the Summer, it'd be freezing. Contradictory much?

The heat is getting to me. Even while doing my Jap 7B Step 2 Paper Process on Noh Masks and Anime & Manga, I can't help but feel even more irritated than usual. What the heck. I WANT SOME AIR CON!!!! OR BRING BACK THE COOL BREEZE PLEASE!
beany flexes her fingers @ 12:59 AM

Friday, April 17, 2009

I most certainly had a pleasant surprise when I got back my math 53 midterm back today :) If only the math finals would be of this standard... <3>I love differentiation...

...and hate integration!

beany flexes her fingers @ 2:46 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I think I'm going to shift to a new private blog... so if you don't see me blogging here, it doesn't mean I died. :)

I want some privacy... I feel that I haven't been myself since I left home -.- Sigh. I want to go back Singapore and feel me again.

beany flexes her fingers @ 7:35 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I can't help but cry and I don't know how to stop crying.
beany flexes her fingers @ 1:09 AM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's early mornin' here and I'm back from showering. Feng feng and aster are still bathing so I'm all alone in the room. Sha sha has disappeared.. prob to a study lounge? Hopefully she's alright. Haha I <3>I talked about alot of heart stuff today with a good friend, and it's really heartwarming to finally see that I am able to put down the past and move forward. Sure, mistakes have been made, wounds have been inflicted, but eventually moving on is the key to recovering. 

Feng feng and I were discussing what type of guy we'll eventually be married to and the entire convo was hilarious! It turned into a what type of guy we're looking for and I couldn't help but remind the both of us that our quiz results had stated that we would be married at the age of 45. XD We tried Cheeseboard pizza for dinner and the queue was insane. In the end, we were almost late for Danceworx concert partly because my foot suddenly had blisters (and I was wearing BOOTS, why would there be blisters???) and we were walking kinda slowly. Nevertheless, I had a really fun day (& night)! Haven't had such days like this for a long time. Woo. Still, this is merely a temporarily release from the stressful competitive world we are trapped in and tomorrow is another dreadful day of mugging like hell.

beany flexes her fingers @ 3:21 AM