If you haven't been talking to me lately, you must not know what I have been up to these past few months. For one, I have to mention my current obsession with a Korean drama called "You're Beautiful". Yes, the name might seem spastic or lame to you, but who cares! The plot is amazing, the actors & actresses are gorgeous (yes, even guys too! especially the one known as Jang Geun Suk), the lines are just so amusing... I can re-watch YAB a gazillion times and still wouldn't tire of it.
I am so crazy about YAB that I spent 38 SGD on this cute plushie as seen below:
This was (in the drama) initially made by Tae Kyung (Jang Geun Suk) as he saw Min Nyu as a pig-rabbit. For those who don't understand what the heck I'm talking about now, GO WATCH YAB AT VIIKII.NET RIGHT NOW :O
I have decided to get this pair of cuuute shoes as well :D AHAHAHAHAH totally not regretting my decision at all >=)
Other than YAB, I'm currently having lots of fun with PBL! PBL rocks my college life :D
Have you ever felt as if you're free to go anywhere without your past dragging you down? That's how I feel right now. It feels like I'm simply charging forward while heck caring about anything else. This reminds of Psych 2 - I distinctly remember there was a term to describe this form of thought, but I can't remember the name lol.
Today, I had this thought of hurling curses at the person I used to like most. Gawd, I dunno. I was just so freaking pissed off and was simply wth-ing away -.-''' I have never been so pissed off with that person before and that's why it's so shocking to me that we'd ever have this day. Oh well. To hell with you. GND. :O